Screen Savers
3D Freeware Screen Saver for Mac OS X*
*10.3 only
A large Gratitude symbol turns slowly on your screen. Note this is my first Mac screen saver so it's pretty basic. I hope you like it... :)

To Install:
Download the zip file to your desktop. Double-click on it to extract the Gratitude.saver program. Double-click on Gratitude.saver to install in your screen saver folder. Select Gratitude as your screen saver in System Preferences. Both gratitude.zip and Gratitude.saver may then be safely deleted from your Desktop. Enjoy!
In gratitude, joy, and love,

By clicking the download button below, you agree to the terms of the End User License Agreement as set forth below.

This is a legal agreement between you and 7 Angels Software. The terms of the agreement become binding when you use the Gratitude screen saver program. Gratitude is freeware and is supplied as is with no claims of suitability for a particular purpose. You agree to indemnify and hold blameless both 7 Angels Software and its distributors for any alleged or actual damages arising from the use of this program. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Oregon.